
My heart breaks to see pictures from the cold weather disaster occurring in Texas (and other parts of the South) this week. Unfortunately, a laissez-faire approach by governmental regulators allowed the energy providers to avoid preventative maintenance, winterization (what? it never snows in Texas!) and planning for peak demand situations. The regulators and providers were not prepared when the Polar Vortex visited the Deep South.

How can we assert our independence from short sighted energy policies and prepare for the next adverse weather event? Choose Eco-Panels for your next home! Clients in Texas avoided freezing pipes because homes with Eco-Panels are significantly better insulated than any stud framed home. Clients stayed warm longer because their home prevented the cold air from intruding through the walls and corners. Builders using Eco-Panels can erect homes that are stronger, safer and significantly more energy efficient than stud frame construction – for about the same cost!

Whether the outside temperature is 0º F or 110º F, Eco-Panels keep the inside of your home comfortable.