Eco-Panels vs. Traditional SIPs

Eco-Panels vs. Traditional SIPs

If you have made it to this page then you are certainly on the right track. Insulated structural panels of most types are superior in many ways to traditional stick-built methods. Here we’ll try to tell you why we believe Eco-Panels produces a superior product to...


At Eco-Panels we take seriously the concept of the house or building in its environment operating as a system. The walls, roof, windows, doors, HVAC, water heater, appliances – even your landscaping and building orientation all work together to determine the energy...


[+] What are Eco-Panels? Eco-Panels manufactures a superior type of structural insulated panel (SIP), otherwise known as a sandwich panel or stressed-skin panel. These panels, when connected together, take the place of a traditional 2×4 or 2×6 wall and...