There are a lot of companies and organizations that spend a lot of time marketing that because stud framing is so complicated you will need to hire an expert to ensure you are building a home that is super-energy efficient. Yet when you are using a building...
Continuing on our path of industry leadership in building technology, Eco-Panels is proud to be the first and only manufacturer (that we have so far been made aware of) to have our rigid foam core insulation certified to meet the highest standards in the U.S., set by...
For several years now Eco-Panels has been working with our good friends with the development team at Luxury Simplified along the South Carolina coast from Charleston and Folly Beach down to the Bluffton and Hilton Head areas. We continue to be impressed with...
Eco-Panels recently partnered with the Construction Management Program at Western Carolina University to test panels for a large international project for the National Science Foundation. The results were quite impressive, and here is a brief flyer we just put out...
This client has a goat farm in North Carolina. They had tried to build “green” homes before, but they say none have been as good as this one. Whether it’s in the ‘teens outside in winter or around 100 degrees outside in the summer, they say...
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