
The Eco-Panels Blog


I want to thank the industry and our own team for making Eco-Panels the premier structural insulated panel manufacturer on the market today.  We can show you how we have the most advanced insulated panel system - and I sure wish more homes in tornado or seismic prone...

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EP Mobile Response Clinics

EP Mobile Response Clinics

You may already know that Eco-Panels manufactures the widest variety of structural (SIPs) and non-structural insulated panels on the market.  Our company is famous for manufacturing the most efficient panelized building system on the market today.  But what you may...

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Eco-Panels and Passive House

There are many, many different prescriptive "green" building and low or even net-zero-energy building standards.  I once heard that there were over 500 in the US alone.  One thing that all of these standards SHOULD have in common is an initial and primary focus on a...

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Impressive Testimonial from Client

Impressive Testimonial from Client

Greetings! I thought you might find the below good reading.  I requested a testimonial from one of our former clients who has been living in their home for almost one year - and boy did he respond.  Below is a series of e:mails received from him with only one...

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The Insanity of Stick-Framed Construction

The Insanity of Stick-Framed Construction

THE INSANITY OF STICK-FRAMED CONSTRUCTION, or "Why Stick Construction Is Not Green-Building" Going to build or buy a new home?  Odds are it will be made out of "sticks", a simple 2x4 or 2x6 framing method that goes back almost 200 years.  And you will pay tens of...

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