
Architectural Tour – Materials

For all those who attended the WoodWorks sponsored tour of our facility we’d like to thank you for being such gracious guests.  I am attaching to this blog entry copies of materials that were given out during the tour.  Please do not hesitate to ask any...

Thoughts on ICFs (insulated concrete forms)

We continue to field discussions from various parts of the world on Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) so I thought I’d blog about them.  I wouldn’t say there is a lot of misinformation out there – perhaps just a lot of misunderstanding.  As with any...

Eco-Panels aiding international relief organizations

At Eco-Panels we’d like to recognize our often un-sung Guardian Mobile Systems business unit.  A business that focuses on the rapid responder and international aid communities we can provide super insulated and extremely ruggedized towable trailure vehicles...