
What the honey bee can teach us about building envelopes

I attended an excellent presentation yesterday by nationally recognized building scientist, Chris Mathis, a contributing code writing member of the ICC, ASHRAE, NAHB and founder/co-founder of the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). As a hobby Chris is also a...
Air-Sealing is key

Air-Sealing is key

Our panels will provide you with the best thermal and air-sealed structural boundary on the market today, but it’s all for naught if you have poorly installed windows and doors.  Structures built with our panels have consistently scored significantly better than...

How do you define Green?

The term “green” gets tossed around so much these days you’d think the Irish had taken over. I can hardly watch a nice round of Thursday night NBC without GE touting its green credentials. Some people have their own definitions for green while more...